In June of the 2016 I got a call from a person who introduced himself as a professional trader Vladimir Gromov (Владимир Громов – Skype name: Continue Reading
Author: admin
My letter: Dir Sir, On 18-07-2016 I attempted to return a deposit (~7700 €) from my account at Forex broker xCFD Limited but I was not allowed Continue Reading
Protocol which was drawn up in the bailiff’s office. Some personal data is hidden like surenames, accounts numbers. protocolpublic
It was a fraud from xCFD side because only they knew that I wanted to withdraw a large sum of money and had my contact information – Continue Reading
Dear Sir, We are a community of fighters with scam Forex and Binary Options brokers. We have made our research on xCFD, and found that they are Continue Reading
Dir scam broker xCFD, soon about Your fraudulent behavior will learn all world. I don’t believe that I’ll return my money back, but I’ll help others to Continue Reading